Article Dominance Review - Why NOT to Buy Article Dominance


This Article Dominance Review is not completely unbiased as I have read the brand new ebook by Mark Thompson and I am in love with it. If you have a few article marketing campaigns set up and are ready to take them to the next level, then this book is for you.

Having said that, there are a few things that could be off putting to some and I feel that you should be aware of them before you pull out your credit card and purchase.

If you are a one hundred percent newbie to internet or affiliate marketing, Article Dominance is not for you. This book begins after you have a firm grasp on the whole article marketing process.

If you have no idea what I mean when I say "article marketing" or have never set up at least one tiny article marketing campaign, then Article Dominance is not for you just yet. Once you have mastered the basics, then you can move on to the advanced strategies, such as page rank, seo, and of course, article domination, as discussed in this book.

If affiliate links turn you off, then this book is not for you. Through out the book, Mark suggests a few online services that he uses to in his internet marketing campaigns. This services are paid services and Mark links to them through an affiliate link.

Pay attention, Mark also gives you plenty of detail on how to do the same exact thing using free services. He just prefers the paid services better and he has the money to do it.

His affiliate links do not bother me. In my opinion, he's giving away a ton of information for less than $20 and he's just doing his job. I prefer to use his free methods for now, as funds are tight, but if I choose to use the paid services, I will purchase them through Mark's affiliate link. It's only fair.

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