Most article marketers at some point or another has sat and spent hours at the time submitting their article submissions to all the various article directories that litter the web. While this can be incredibly profitable for you over time, it is not the fastest way to make money online. Still, a great many people plug along every single day, unaware of the fact that better article submission methods exist. If you were to take some of these methods and employ them for one day, you could outrun the efforts you are making in an entire month if you are submitting site by site.
Article marketing is truly a numbers game. The more people that pick up your article for their website, the more people that are going to see your links and hopefully click through and convert. That is the bottom line to article marketing is it not? To make money by sending people to your website. It makes no difference what money making method you use - they all require buyers of some kind. That means you need article marketing methods that drive huge numbers and volume to make the real money.
Article submissions can be done on a volume basis for those that have the know how and equipment. Many of these article directory and article marketing experts offer their expertise to you for a very nominal fee in exchange for the services that you give them. The bottom line is it saves you time and makes you money. That is a pretty good combination to consider when you are considering potential ways to increase your bank account and make money online.
So how many article submissions are realistic for you each day? You have to put in the name and email, keywords, the article itself, pick a category and various captcha loops. You have to actually click through each of the screens. If you kill yourself each day, you might be able to submit to 25 or 30 article directories in a day if you have no other responsibilities and several hours to do it in. For some, this would take a whole day or more. With article submissions that are bought, you can get 100s or even 1000s of article submissions in mere minutes in some cases. How can they possibly compare?
Okay, so you have to pay a fee to have these fine folks submit your articles for you... But I ask you... How much is a day worth to you? Would you value a day's work time at a few hundred bucks? A thousand bucks or more? I don't know about you, but the tiny fee that is charged for article submission seems minor to me when you consider that you are getting all that time back. You can not put a price on my day most of the time, so I would much rather be free to do other things with my website.
If you are tired of submitting those mind numbingly boring article submissions like I was, then I highly suggest you pay someone to do mass submission of your articles. Not only will you reach way more readers and potential clients, but you will have a whole lot more time for the finer things in life.
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12 years ago
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